Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sheng: Love it or hate it it's here to stay

Sasa nagotea kila mzeia anacheki hi blog ya mine. Na hope mko sawa mimi niko sarama. What a way to start discussing this 'contentious issue' by writing in the 'language of thugs' or 'lugha ya wakora.' Sheng has for a long time been associated with 'the bad' or 'uncultured' in the society. But let's take sometime and ask ourselves what is sheng, where did it come from and is it that a threat to the other 'so called' official languages?

Sheng is a language influenced by many languages but more dominantly by Swahili and English. The language is predominantly spoken in urban centers but more so in Nairobi, Kenya where it originated.

Sheng is believed to have originated from the Eastlands area of Nairobi in the early 70s. It varies from place to place and evolves constantly and one needs to catch up with new words or else you will be considered to be a 'fala'.

Sheng is the unofficial lingua franca of the youth not only in Kenya but across East Africa. The youth identify themselves with sheng and it gives them the freedom to express themselves.

In Kenya where there are 42 ethnic communities, sheng plays a great role in unifying young people and shields them from the negative effects of tribalism which has had a negative impact on the country. Young people mingle more easily and freely with each other without the barriers caused by their different ethnic backgrounds.

The spread of sheng has not left out any social class or people in the society and is fast becoming the most spoken language in Kenya. Even though scholars have said that the language is a threat to the other official languages, Swahili and English, it doesn't seem to affect the proficiency of the speakers.

I myself can testify to that for I can speak all the three; Sheng, English and Swahili, with no trouble at all with neither interfering with the other.

Sheng is more or less a culture in itself which is reflected by the way the youth socialize, their way of life and art. The most common form of art which can be directly linked to sheng is the matatu industry. This encompasses language and graffiti.

For a long time 'makangas' i.e. matatu conductors have been believed to be the creators and promoters of sheng. This is why the matatu industry has more to offer in terms of the sheng culture.

For those who do not know matatus, matatus are the most popular means of transport across East Africa but Kenyan matatus are unique. Their colorful interior and exterior designs and loud music makes them popular with the youth. A ride in a matatu is not just a ride its one of the best experiences, but it's not for the faint hearted.

Music plays a great role also in the sheng culture. With artists like Kalamashaka popularizing Hip-Hop in sheng and many more artists across East Africa embracing the trend especially in Tanzania i.e. the Bongo Flavor genre of music. There is a lot more of the effects of the sheng culture around you, you only have to open your eyes to see them. May be you are a testimony to the culture and you are not aware.

As things stand at the moment, it seems like sheng is the future and it is not going anywhere so you better start learning it now. Au sio. Sheng ni poa.

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